How to Get Rid of Pack Rats: Best Solutions

Learn how to get rid of pack rats with our thorough guide. We've picked best solutions for various areas of your house and garden.
Phyllis McMahon
Phyllis McMahon
Research Writer
Phyllis teaches English Literature at a local college and loves writing in her free time. She’s also a great cook – her British beef Wellington is something the best res read more
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Chas Kempf
Chas Kempf
Expert Consultant
Chas works in a professional pest control company and knows all the nuances of this job. Also, he’s a fantastic tennis player and loves to organize BBQ parties for his fam read more
Last updated: August 12, 2023
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Without mincing words, pack rats—properly known as wood rats—are a menace that no one wants near their home. Interestingly, they have big, black eyes, fluffy snouts, and round ears that you may confuse them as some cute animals. Don’t be deceived by their looks. Those little devils can cause plenty of trouble with their natural destructive instincts.

Therefore, you should not hesitate to remove pack rats immediately if you suspect you have them in your home. Knowing how to get rid of pack rats properly will be central to your efforts. Before getting rid of these rats, you must know how to identify them and where they hide. Also, you must learn the various methods you can utilize to remove the sneaky animals from your home.

Rest assured, this article will provide you with every piece of information you need to learn about pack rat elimination.

What are Pack Rats and How to Find Them?

How to Get Rid of Pack Rats: Best SolutionsAs we already mentioned, pack rats are originally known as wood rats. They have black eyes and reddish-brown-colored fur but possess white on their undersides and feet. These rats also have big ears and a bushy tail—a stark contrast in appearance to Norway and Roof rats.

If you’re wondering why pack rats are also called wood rats, it’s because their natural habitat is in the forest. However, pack rats are not limited to the woods; they can also survive in humid regions, mountainous areas, and deserts.

Little wonder they are prevalent in the highlands and deserts of western United States, western Canada, and northern Mexico. Therefore, these rats are a familiar sight in American states such as Arizona, California, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, Utah, etc.

As the name “pack rat” implies, these animals typically pack away small objects such as can tabs, jewelry, eating and & cooking utensils, and more. Besides, pack rats commonly invade homes in the winter for warmth. And in the process, they cause a lot of damage with their persistent chewing habits.

According to researchers at the University of California 1 Trusted Source WOODRATS Eight species of woodrats (genus Neotoma) occur in North America (Table 1). Locally known as pack rats or trade rats, these rodents are about the size of the common Norway rat. They are distinguishable from Norway rats by their hairy rather than scaly tail, soft, fine fur, and large ears. They usually have light-colored feet and bellies. , pack rats can even shred mattresses and upholstered furniture for lining nests.

How to identify pack rats

Before you can get rid of pack rats, you need to identify their presence so that you can take action. As we implied in the previous section, these rats live in nests they build. The nests are typically made of finely shredded plant material. If you have pack rats under your roof, you’ll find nests as we described within your home.

If you have a garden, look around for pack rats in the wintertime, you may find them sneaking around. Also, search your garages, patios, attics, and basement for these destructive rats.

Where they hide

As we already mentioned, pack rats usually hide in their nests, but that’s not the only way to notice their presence. Apart from warmth, these rats come in search of food. So, if you find strange food bites, you should get suspicious. They also chew marks on walls and wires, so look for those.

Furthermore, pack rats usually leave fecal droppings behind. The sight of the droppings should tell you that you have some very unwanted visitors. Moreover, these animals are known for packing house items. So, you may have found their nest if you see items packed away in a tight corner of your home.

How to Get Rid of Pack Rats in and under House

Now that you know where pack rats hide and how to identify them, it’s time for you to learn how to get rid of pack rats in house as well as how to get rid of pack rats under house.

Sanitize and declutter

How to Get Rid of Pack Rats: Best SolutionsIf you’re wondering how to get rid of pack rats naturally, you should prioritize sanitation. When you dispose of trash and keep your home clean, you will make your residence naturally unappealing.

It’s no magic that rats don’t stay in church auditoriums. If these rats come in without an incentive to survive, they’ll quickly leave. So, we advise that you keep your trash sealed in tight containers. Also, sweep the floors properly to eliminate food crumbs after meals. Make efforts not to leave dirty dishes overnight. And keep all your leftovers in the refrigerator; don’t expose them.

Besides, pack rats like access to water. So, try to fix water leaks in the house to discourage them from staying. Lastly, declutter your home by recycling cardboard boxes, old newspapers, and other boxes regularly.

Seal entry points

Another natural way to get rid of pack rats in the house is to seal entry points. If they can’t enter, they can’t set up shop in your home, let alone destroy your property. So, plug all entry points the rats may be using—close openings such as drain spouts, vents, water pipes, and electric wires.

The sealing exercise should also include possible entry points such as holes, cracks, unscreen vents, and broken windows.

Set traps

How to Get Rid of Pack Rats: Best SolutionsOnce you discover the presence of pack rats in your home, the next step is getting them out. A trap is an effective way to get the rats out. There are various types of traps you can call on. Snap traps are pretty effective, but they are fatal options.

Pack rat poison is another fatal trap that kills the animals. But try to opt for an effective product to get positive results. Most users have vouched for the efficacy of the RatX Throw Packs Bait, which eliminates every specie of rats. Thankfully, it’s non-toxic to humans, livestock, and pets.

If you want a nonfatal option, consider glue traps. Humane mouse traps are also excellent options if you want to trap pack rats without harming them. Despite being far more humane than most traditional methods, the best humane mouse traps are very effective.

Another way to effectively set traps for pack rats is to invest in a bait station. This station allows rats to enter and feed but traps them inside. Most importantly, it protects your family and pets from poison exposure. If you’re open to this pack rat trapping device, check out our list of the best rat bait stations.

Limit food source

How to Get Rid of Pack Rats: Best SolutionsIt’s a well-known fact that food is a big attraction for pack rats, so it makes sense that you limit food sources to remove these animals. Store and seal food in tight containers to limit the rats’ access to food. Don’t leave your food messing around the house. For the umpteenth time, clean leftovers, dishes, and crumbs without delay.

Rat exterminators

If you find out that your home is infested with pack rats, the best move is to call a rat exterminator to help out. Rat exterminators are typically equipped with the necessary training and tools to get rid of pack rat infestation effectively and safely.

How to Get Rid of Pack Rats Outside

Let’s discuss how to get rid of pack rats outside now that you’ve learned how to remove pack rats from inside your home.

In the car

How to Get Rid of Pack Rats: Best SolutionsYou’ll be surprised, but pack rats sometimes take up residence in parked vehicles. If you have any doubt, read the firsthand experience of an Arizona resident who incurred $6,000 worth of damage due to pack rat infestation.

“Pack rats are a huge problem in southern Arizona for destroying cars,” the  victim told azcentral 2 Trusted Source They may be cute, but these Southwestern rats pack an expensive punch Don’t be fooled by the white-throated wood rat with its big, brown eyes, petite round ears and fluffy snout. . So, if you’re thinking about how to get rid of pack rats in Arizona or how to get rid of pack rats in cars, sanitation is your best bet. Ensure that you clean your vehicle correctly and regularly to remove crumbs. Also, try to dispose of your car’s trash daily.

In the yard

How to Get Rid of Pack Rats: Best SolutionsYou’ll hardly find pack rats in open spaces because they dislike exposure. So, when thinking about how to get rid of pack rats in the yard, think about keeping it trimmed and clean. Remove piles of leaves or wood, cut the grass regularly, seal garbage bins properly, and patch holes in the siding. These moves will keep your yard open and clean, making it inhabitable for pack rats.

If the rats don’t seem to be deterred, you can take an extra step to trap them. According to most reviews, the Exterminators Choice – Rat Bait Station is one of the most effective options on the market. It sports a discreet green color that blends well with grass and shrubs, setting up the perfect outdoor rat-killing tool.

How to Repel Pack Rats

How to Get Rid of Pack Rats: Best SolutionsThe best way to repel pack rats is to make your home unattractive to them by practicing good sanitation. If the natural moves don’t seem to work, you should opt for rat repellents. These repellents use scents, tastes, lights, and more to deter pack rats.

A journey through our list of the best rat repellents will show you some incredibly effective and safe options to keep pack rats away.

Final Thoughts

Generally, rats are no good. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), rats and mice spread over 35 diseases worldwide. Pack rats are not any different. If there’s any difference, these wood rats are some of the worst rodents because they also cause property damage. Hence, it would be best if you didn’t allow them around your home.

Once you’ve identified the presence of pack rats in your home, there are various ways to get rid of them. You can rely on sanitation to push these animals away. You can also go for extreme measures such as setting traps and poisoning the rats. Finally, we hope that this article has provided you with enough information to know how to get rid of pack rats.


Eight species of woodrats (genus Neotoma) occur in North America (Table 1). Locally known as pack rats or trade rats, these rodents are about the size of the common Norway rat. They are distinguishable from Norway rats by their hairy rather than scaly tail, soft, fine fur, and large ears. They usually have light-colored feet and bellies.
They may be cute, but these Southwestern rats pack an expensive punch
Don’t be fooled by the white-throated wood rat with its big, brown eyes, petite round ears and fluffy snout.
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