How to Get Spiders Out of Your Car: Useful Tips for Your Vehicle

Learn how to get rid of spiders and prevent their infestation in your car.
Phyllis McMahon
Phyllis McMahon
Research Writer
Phyllis teaches English Literature at a local college and loves writing in her free time. She’s also a great cook – her British beef Wellington is something the best res read more
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Chas Kempf
Chas Kempf
Expert Consultant
Chas works in a professional pest control company and knows all the nuances of this job. Also, he’s a fantastic tennis player and loves to organize BBQ parties for his fam read more
Last updated: September 12, 2023
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Everyone thinks about caring for their car, but sometimes, spiders and insects can get into your interior, spin their webs, and make it their home. Our guide covers all you need to know if you’re wondering how to get spiders out of your car.

You’ll learn how to get rid of the spiders that have already found their way into your car and stop new ones from getting in. Once your car is insect-free, you can relax and enjoy your ride wherever you go. Let’s take a closer look.

How Do Spiders Enter Your Car?

There are different ways your car can become infested with spiders. These insects prefer quiet and dark spaces, so a car seems to be an excellent shelter for them. Spiders can crawl into it through cracks. Also, if you leave your windows or doors open for a while, spiders can sneak in.

The gaps between the floor and car door are another way spiders can sneak into the car. Next, if your car is dirty, it will certainly attract spiders. It is also known that spiders are attracted to cars with food, as it is the source of flies.

Where Do Spiders Live in Your Car?

How to Get Spiders Out of Your Car: Useful Tips for Your Vehicle
Car is one of the most popular places for spiders to hide. The reason is that it’s usually dark, quiet, and undisturbed. The warmth of the engine can also attract them.

Spiders can hide in different places in your car and not only. If you see spiders in your house or near it, the best foggers for spiders will help to solve the problem. Spiders prefer to stay in places that are warm and sheltered. If you don’t use your car for a long time, it can become a home to spiders and other insects.

The two main places spiders hide are the air vent and side view mirror. The hood of your car can also gather spiders.

You might also need to learn how to get spiders out of your car door seals because it is also one of their favorite places. Spiders can also sneak into the engine space, behind a mirror, gaps in the dashboard, and other tight spots.

How to Get Spiders Out of Your Car?

Although these pesky spiders are unpleasant to look at when driving, you can find ways to get them out of your car. Some of the best ways to do so include the following.

Use natural ingredients

How to Get Spiders Out of Your Car: Useful Tips for Your Vehicle
Peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender have a strong smell that is overwhelming for spiders. They have a very sensitive sense of smell, so anything that’s too strong can be off-putting.

There are different ways to eliminate spiders in your car, and you can do so without using any chemicals. Natural scents and ingredients are a good way to do so. Spiders don't like some natural scents Trusted Source Essential Oils as Spider Repellent While there’s limited research, some essential oils may be useful as spider repellent and against other arachnids. Here’s what to know about effective essential oils for spider repellents. , like peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender.

You can make a solution of these natural oils by mixing water with five drops. Add a few drops of dishwashing detergent to your solution, and spray it around your vehicle. You can make stronger solutions if you have many spiders.


How to Get Spiders Out of Your Car: Useful Tips for Your Vehicle
Use different attachments to reach all the nooks and crannies where spiders like to hide and be sure to dispose of the vacuum bag right away so that the spiders don’t crawl back out.

One way to easily eliminate spiders in your car is to use a vacuum. A vacuum is the best choice when you want to get rid of them quickly. Vacuuming from large spiders to the eggs can take care of these pesky insects invading your car.

Next time you want to get rid of spiders quickly, use a vacuum to get it done without using an exterminator.

Use spider repellents and traps

How to Get Spiders Out of Your Car: Useful Tips for Your VehicleIf you want to know how to get spiders out of your car with spider repellents, there are different types you can try. You can purchase a strong spider repellant with peppermint oil like Mighty Mint.

Since spiders are sensitive to some odors, you can also opt for scent-based repellents like vinegar and eucalyptus. Cedar Trusted Source Does Cedar Wood Deter Spiders? | Home Guides | SF Gate Does Cedar Wood Deter Spiders?. While spiders are largely beneficial because they eat pests such as gnats and mosquitoes, most people do not want spiders in their homes. can also repel spiders. Traps for spiders are another effective way to eliminate these pests in your car. You can rely on Brown Recluse traps or even do it yourself.

You will need pieces of heavy cardboard cut into strips, corn syrup, water, and a butter knife. Mix the syrup and water so it’s sticky and spread it on the cardboard with a butter knife.

Place the traps in areas where spiders can hide.

How to Prevent Spider Infestation in Your Car?

While you can learn how to get spiders out of your car door seals and other places in your car, it’s also a good choice to prevent them from getting into your car in the first place.

Keep your car clean

How to Get Spiders Out of Your Car: Useful Tips for Your Vehicle
Cleaning will remove any spider-attracting dirt and debris. In addition, it will help you spot spiders before they have a chance to get comfortable.

Keeping your car clean is important when trying to prevent spider infestation. Spiders clutter in places that give them places to hide. Cleaning your car interior thoroughly twice a year will help to keep it free of spiders and other insects. When cleaning, don’t forget about nooks and crannies, a small brush can be helpful.

Seal cracks and gaps

Don’t leave any openings that spiders can use to get into your car. Spiders can get into your car with the tiniest cracks, so ensure your windows are complexly closed, and any gaps in your door trim should be closed.

Don’t leave your car idling

Vibrations can attract spiders to your car, as studies Trusted Source Spider is the second most vibration-sensitive creature have shown. Since they are sensitive to vibratory stimulation, you shouldn’t leave your car idling for too long, especially when it’s marked in a place where spiders can be hiding.

Use car refresher

How to Get Spiders Out of Your Car: Useful Tips for Your Vehicle
A car refresher will help mask any smells that might attract spiders.

Using a car refresher to keep spiders away from your car is also a good idea. Especially when a refresher has scents that repel spiders, like peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender.

Park your car in a right place

You shouldn’t park your car in a vulnerable spot where inspects like spiders, cockroaches, and other insects crowd in. Avoid parking in places with a lot of dirt or grass, but stay in concrete driveways instead.


While we’ve covered all you need to know about how to get spiders out of your car, you might still have some questions. We’ve answered some popularly asked questions below.

How to Get Spiders Out of Your Car Vents?

If you have spiders in your car vent, you can use any natural scents they hate, like peppermint or lavender, to do so. Apply several drops of oil to a cotton ball and place it in the vents. You can also spray a small amount into the vents.

How to Get Spiders Out of Your Car Engine?

You can eliminate spiders from the engine area with the best outdoor spider sprays. Spray it on the engine and close the car hood for a few hours. Then, you can open it up for the smell to get out of your car.

How to Get Spiders Out of Your Car Mirror?

If you notice spiders on your car mirror, you can clean the place with a cloth wet with natural scents like peppermint or lavender.

Final Thoughts

If you’re having trouble with spiders in your car, you can keep them out with different methods. It’s important to keep them away by properly maintaining your car and parking it in the right places. If you notice a spider come up in your car, don’t panic. Simply pull over and get rid of the spider, and once you get home, you can properly keep them away using the methods in our guide on how to get spiders out of your car.


Essential Oils as Spider Repellent
While there’s limited research, some essential oils may be useful as spider repellent and against other arachnids. Here’s what to know about effective essential oils for spider repellents.
Does Cedar Wood Deter Spiders? | Home Guides | SF Gate
Does Cedar Wood Deter Spiders?. While spiders are largely beneficial because they eat pests such as gnats and mosquitoes, most people do not want spiders in their homes.
Spider is the second most vibration-sensitive creature
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